Climb, leap, shoot, and medicate an ailing giant monster as you climb to the top of its head! Help Dr. Sonia Jacobo test her radical theory and prove that all rampaging monsters just need a good healthcare plan!

⚠️ For a better experience, if possible, download instead of playing it online. Thank you!


  • tutorial
  • 3 stages
  • 5 story scenes
  • stage replay
  • Not everything is perfect though! Thanks for understanding!


  1. Use WASD to move, and space to jump.
  2. To cling to the wall with the syringe, left click once.
  3. To Needle Jump, press space while clinging to the wall!
  4. Right click to fire medicine from the syringe.
  5. Use the mouse wheel to change the type of medicine you’re using. Different medicines work for different problems!


Additional Art by Clara Gonzalez 

Art by Henrique Athayde 

Gameplay Programming by Lucas Liuti 

Music and Additional Sound Design by Robert Mai 

Lead Design, Narrative Design, and Sound Design by Ryan Sargent 

Gameplay Programming by WolfManny84 


Rocks.wav (adamgryu) 

Zipper sounds (Al_BeDV) 

slime_movement_sounds_processed_01 (Artninja) 

Jumprope_whoosh_sound.mp3 (Artninja) 

Fireplace Burning (AugustSandberg) 

dying female (AmeAngelofSin) 

slime_movement_sound_from_raw_chicken_thighs_08072024 (Artninja) 

Small pest alien/creature (Brandon Morris) 

Dentist Suction and air puffer.wav (Cheeseheadburger) 

fast simple chop 1.aif (dave.des) 

MonsterPack2_Monster10_Call09 (David Dumais Audio) 

Mining Mineral Ice Picking Crystal (EminYILDIRIM)

 Vinegar to Baking Soda with nr.wav (FreqMan) 

Giant Walking.wav (facklere)

 Rocks falling over rocks, over a steep hill, like a cliff.flac (gfrog) 

Can opening pop.wav (gpag1) 

Salto__succion.wav (hachiman935) 

grito_terrorifico.wav (JavierSerrat) 

Geiger Counter.m4a (johnnythesalesman) 

Hybrid Monster Growl (john129pats)

 Bubbles5.wav (kwahmah_02) 

slime monster noises.wav (konstati) 

SFX_Bow_&_Arrow_Attacks (Marcus Dellicompagni) 

Knife Stab Pull.wav (neilsher)

 Footsteps_Mountain_Boots_Rock_Run_Sequence_Mono.wav (Nox_Sound) 

Female 1 - Grunt - Getting Hit - Medium Intensity - Ehrlund M1 (Pole Position Production) 

Ripping Apart Carcass.wav (ProductionNow) 

Rock Tumble 2.wav (_stubb) 

Remix of 66642__Robinhood76__00861_dragons_breath_PseudoStereo.wav (Timbre)

 Wasp bee buzzing Summer cu 03.wav (TRP) 

mysterious_signal_04_pickup_coil.wav (uair01) 

Tearing Flesh (Slime) OWI (WolfOWI) 

Additional sounds created with ChipTone


MonsterVet.exe 189 MB
MonsterVet.x86_64 171 MB


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Awesome project, I love the arts and the mobility, great game!!

It's bugger for me afer I keep dying over and over again XD.
Teh only thing I did is picked stage 1 at start.

Art style is amazing! But I encountered a few game-crashing bugs—in the tutorial, I couldn't do anything with left click, and after my death in stage 1, the game crashed. :(


So glad you liked the art! It is possible to finish the game but yes, there are a lot of bugs that we couldn't fix in time! Sorry about that and thank you for playing it Iris <3